Tradesperson Insurance
Policies tailor-made for tradespeople
Tradespeople, get a like-for-like quote with us and we’ll guarantee to save you money.*
*Excludes roofers, scaffolders and businesses with annual turnover of more than £500,000

Tradesman Insurance
Specialist cover for a wide range of trades
Our team can help you find comprehensive insurance options catered to all types of tradespeople and their businesses.
Contractors Insurance
Comprehensive all-risk cover for contractors
The right cover is vital for your contract success. We can help you cover everything on site — people, tools, materials, liability and more.
Painter and Decorator Insurance
The perfect cover for painting and decorating businesses
Let us help you find a business insurance policy for painters and decorators that’s tailorable to your needs.
Carpenters Insurance
Cover that makes sense for carpenters
Don't settle for less - choose only the right insurance for your carpentry business.