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Talk to us to help save yourself time & money

Vulnerable Clients

At Howden, we are committed to providing quality products and services for all our clients. We work in an open and responsible way that builds the trust and respect of those we value and aim to ensure that everyone is provided with good product and service choices and communicated with in a way that best suits that individual. Ultimately, we always want you to make good buying decisions and have a positive experience when dealing with us.

Identifying clients in vulnerable circumstances

Although you might not see yourself as vulnerable there are lots of different reasons that you might benefit from a little extra help, and we’d like to be able to offer it to you when it’s most needed. From a permanent disability, mental illness or learning issues to a temporary inability to pay your bills or a change in circumstances such as bereavement. We are here to help.

Looking after our clients

Our colleagues receive training on how to help vulnerable and disabled clients. We are constantly looking for ways to make your insurance purchase as simple as possible so if there is a way of improving our service and support to you, please let us know at client.support@howdeninsurance.co.uk. (This email address is for the support of our existing clients only. For sales or advertising queries contact your local branch).

You may have dyslexia and find it difficult to read from the white paper your documents are printed on. Ask us about having information printed on a different coloured paper or in large print. If it helps you, it makes us happy.

Cost of living – if you are struggling to continue your insurance cover or if your insurance premium is paid by Direct Debit, and you are struggling to make repayments, please contact us so that we can discuss what options are available to you. Should you require additional general advice on financial support we have also identified a number of external help groups.

Documents in Large Print - should you want documentation from us in large print we're happy to assist. Please email us at large.print@howdeninsurance.co.uk with your name and full address please or should you prefer, please contact your branch of Howden, and we'll be in touch.

There are all sorts of ways we can help so please let us know.

How we record your information

Howden will only record information about a client’s vulnerability or disability which is relevant to the services that we provide. Further details about the information that we store can be found in our Privacy Policy.

Appointing someone to act on your behalf:

Managing your insurance policy or application

If you need assistance in managing your policy, you can notify Howden and request a Delegated Authority on your record.

Power of Attorney

If a client has a Power of Attorney who wants to act on their behalf, we will need a certified copy of the LPA certificate to be sent to the branch/branches that hold your policy/policies.

Dealing with bereavement

We understand how difficult it can be when a friend or family member has passed away. Our colleagues are here to help you liaise with your insurance company.

Who do I contact?

Simply call your local branch to notify them. Details of our branches can be found on our website, you don’t even need to be aware of the original branch. Just provide us with the details and we’ll deal with the rest for you.

What we’ll need

The policyholder’s name, postcode and date of birth.

What happens next?

We will ask you to supply a copy of the death certificate and we will discuss the ongoing policy with you to get the right outcome.

Providing Information in different formats

If you require any information in a different format, including large print or on coloured paper please contact your local branch.

Monitoring our policy

Howden regularly review our colleagues’ performance and work closely with third parties to ensure we are meeting the needs of all our clients. We will regularly review this policy and the procedures in line with it.

Financial difficulty

If money is a bit of a struggle for you at the moment, you’re not alone, we are here to help.

We understand lots of things can lead to financial difficulty and our friendly team will be happy to discuss your individual circumstances in order to assess your needs. This may include removing elements of cover you no longer require, changes like this could reduce your premium, and ensure your details are up to date. Examples of options include, but are not limited to reviewing your demands and needs, adjusting cover either on a short or long term basis and looking at other suitable products in the market place.

Where changes to your insurance cover do not suit or help your financial situation and you pay for your insurance by premium finance, further financial tailored support, taking into account your individual circumstances may be available from your finance provider.

Please let us know should you prefer to make an appointment to discuss with a Branch Manager/Team Manager in confidence.

Other Financial Support

Debt advice – help is at hand

Debt advice is where you get help from people in dealing with your debt. They can help you talk to people you owe money to and set up a repayment plan you can stick to.

  • People that access advice resolve their issues more quickly than those that don’t and hundreds of thousands get free debt advice every year.

You can also contact the following not-for-profit organisations directly for free, non-judgemental and impartial debt advice through telephone, online and face to face channels:


For free, unbiased and easy-to-access money tools, information and advice:
Phone - 0800 138 7777
Website - www.moneyhelper.org.uk

Money Advice Scotland

If you live in Scotland, visit the below website to find contact details for debt advice in your local area.
Website - www.moneyadvicescotland.org.uk

Citizens Advice

For advice and information on debt and other topics, visit your local Citizens Advice or use their website.
Website - www.citizensadvice.org.uk

Advice NI

If you live in Northern Ireland, you can use the following for debt advice.
Phone - 0800 915 4604
Website - www.adviceni.net
Email - advice@adviceni.net

Citizens Advice Wales

If you live in Wales, you can call Adviceline if you want to speak to someone about your debts.
Phone - 0300 330 1313 (Calls cost 12p per minute from a landline, and from 3p to 45p from a mobile)
Website - www.citizensadvice.org.uk/wales/debt-and-money/


Member centres offer debt advice including specialist advice for minority communities and people with disabilities.
Phone - 0300 777 0107
Website - www.adviceuk.org.uk

Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

For free debt advice in your home, check post code coverage on their website, then call for more information.
Phone - 0800 328 0006
Website - www.capuk.org

National Debtline

If you live in England, Wales or Scotland contact for debt advice and information.
Phone - 0808 808 4000
Website – www.nationaldebtline.org

StepChange Debt Charity

For debt advice throughout the UK.
Phone - 0800 138 1111
Website - www.stepchange.org

Ask Bill

Free advice on getting support for your priority bills and water and energy providers
Website - Ask Bill | Free and Impartial Help About Money and Bills

Business Debtline

Offers free and confidential debt advice to the self-employed and small businesses.
Phone - 0800 197 6026
Website - www.businessdebtline.org

Other useful organisations:

Civil Legal Advice

You may get legal aid if your home is at risk.
Phone - 0845 345 4345
Website - www.gov.uk/civil-legal-advice


The Samaritans can’t offer debt advice, but they can provide free and confidential help and wellbeing support to those in distress 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Phone - 116 123
Email - jo@samaritans.org